for ECC and S/4
Installation and Base Configur...

Configure SAP Gateway – docuflow ECM Only


Gateway security via SMGW may need to be configured depending on your reginfo file settings in order that connections are permitted from the host where the Docuflow Enterprise Connector is installed. Note the below values need to reflect the naming convention chose above in the RFC destination: 

  1. Ex: P TP=ZDOCUFLOW* (Allows the ZDOCUFLOW registered server programs to connect from any host)
  2. Ex: P TP=ZDOCUFLOW* HOST=*.<your> (Allows the ZDOCUFLOW registered server programs to connect from any host on the domain specified.
  3. Ex: P TP= ZDOCUFLOW_CSM_API_01 HOST=<ip address or host where Enterprise Connector is installed> (Only allows the specified registered server program to connect from the specified host)
