for ECC and S/4
Installation and Base Configur...

Configure SAP RFC destinations – docuflow ECM Only


Base configuration for docuflow ECM requires (at least one) SAP RFC to be created. This allows docuflow ECM within SAP to execute RFC calls to an instance of the docuflow Enterprise Middleware Connector (in theory you can utilize more than one) acting as an SAP JCo Server. The RFC destination configured here will be selected in the docuflow configuration outlined the step Base SAP docuflow Configuration – docuflow ECM Only (API Destination). 

  1. Destination Name: ZDOCUFLOW_CMSAPI_01
    1. We suggest the following naming convention: ZDOCUFLOW_CMSAPI_<number> but any destination name can be used.
  2. Connection Type: T (TCP/IP Connection)
  3. Technical Settings:
    1. Select Registered Server Program radio button
    2. Program ID: ZDOCUFLOW_CMSAPI_01
      1. We suggest to keep the program ID name the same as the RFC destination name for simplicity as this will need to match the program ID in the Enterprise Connector.
    3. Gateway Options (Optional if only one gateway host for the SAP environment)
      1. Gateway Host: <insert the gateway host to use>
      2. Gateway Service: <insert the gateway service to use>
    4. Unicode:
      1. Select Unicode radio button

Below is an example of this configuration: 

Document image

  • Note: You cannot test the RFC destination until the docuflow Enterprise Connector configuration is also completed below and the windows service is running. When the windows service is installed, configured and running, refer to section Establishing SAP <-> docuflow Enterprise Connector Connectivity Configuration to test connectivity.
  • The Program ID and Gateway Host and Service must match that configured in the Enterprise Connector (section “Base docuflow Enterprise Connector Configuration”), work with your docuflow configurator to ensure this is the case.
  • You may need to repeat RFC destination creation above for additional processing threads and load balancing. Initially however only one RFC destination is needed.
  • ** Important ** This RFC destination chosen must match the API Destination configured in docuflow Enterprise Connector in step Base docuflow Enterprise Connector Configuration - docuflow ECM Only.