Agnostic Guides
Solution Guide

System Messages


System messages prevent or inform/warn users and API usage when needed during downtime or critical changes across the docuflow platform.

Examples of this may include:

  1. When there is an issue storing documents to the backend content repository and you wish to inform the users to take a chill pill rather than create an abundance of help desk tickets
  2. You are in the middle of making a change to production that requires a temporary hands off
  3. The content management system is undergoing maintenance and a particular interface that uses the docuflow SCRUD API needs to stop processing temporarily

There are two types of system messages (see below for the "Message Type"):

"E" - stops processing and informs the user/process

"I" - informs the user/process but continues processing

For user based docuflow processing, such as Store New and Assing (ie: GOS menu based document storage and linking), the message (regardless of type I or E) will be displayed to the end user and will also will be added to the return table in the docuflow API gateway.

For API or background based docuflow processing, such as SCRUD usage, the message (regardless of type I or E) will be added to the return table in the docuflow API gateway.

To create a System Message, enter transaction /dflow/docuflowsys and choose the menu path Configure->System Messages.



Sample Value(s)

API Source

The particular type of processing that needs to have a message displayed on.

DocManager: Store New and Assign

CMS Profile

The content management system profile associated with this particular message

<any profile that you have configured>

CMS Use Tag

The content management system use tag associated with this particular message.

<any tag that you have configured>

API Type

Optional API type of call that you wish the message to be associated with.



If enabled this message will be displayed to users utilizing the associated processing tied to this message.

Message Type

The type of message which can be just informational or an error which will restrict further processing.


Message Text

The first line of text to display to the user.

We are currently experiencing a network slowdown.

Message Text

The second line of text to display to the user.

 Please be patient!

Message Text

The third line of text to display to the user.


En. Verbose Logging

If enabled additional logging will be added to the gateway dashboard logging. Note this has a small hit to performance.