Publisher provides the ability to store your message output (such as SAPScript, SmartForms, AdobeForms, as well as any PDF, OTF, or Spool output) from SAP to your CMS system using docuflow ECM (an an alternative to docuflow Content Server).
Typically a background process, your SAP generated content is stored, optionally linked to your SAP record, and metadata can be transferred from SAP to your CMS system. This may be implemented using various methods depending on your SAP module such as but not limited to: message output, spool generation, workflow event, business transaction events, as well as customer enhancements spots.
When utilizing Publisher for a particular message output you will need to add a call to a docuflow class-method at the end of your message output (program/function module). If the message output is the delivered message output (program/function module) from SAP and has not be customized (sometimes referred to as a “Z” version) you will need to create an implicit enhancement point to include the docuflow code. Creating the implicit enhancement point is outside the scope of this document.
In your custom code or enhancements, add code that calls the “publish_message” method of the “/dflow/cl_publishing”.
Please refer to the docuflow Development Guide for more info and an example.