Creating a DocManager Rule
To create a DocManager Rule, enter transaction /dflow/docuflowsys and choose the menu path Configure->API Rules->DocManager.
Parameter | Description | Sample Value |
Object Type | The SAP Business Object that is relevant to this DocManager rule. This and Document Type make up the unique rule key. | BKPF |
Document Type | The ArchiveLink Document Type configured in OAC2 that is relevant to this DocManager rule. This and SAP Business Object make up the unique rule key. For link creation, and entry in OAC3 must exists for these two and the configured Cont.Rep.ID below (and in the docuflow Base product and OAC0). | ZWFINVSP01 |
En. DM Store New SFO | Enable Services for Object (SFO or GOS) for SAP to CMS business document storage. | True or False |
En. DM Link Ex SFO | Enable Link Existing document via drag and drop from CMS to SAP via OLE (future use) | True or False |
En. SL CS CB | Enable SAPink Content Server Callback file mover. If enabled, for Content Server "create": SAPLink will move from a Content Server dropzone (via a re-store) to a final location. This allows for a full feature set even though a document is stored via content server, such as: folder creation, dynamic location, external BPM and task creation, short: everything that a document stored via ECM can do. (metadata and viewing is handled above with En. SL CS CB). | |
En. SL CS Move | Enable SAPink Content Server Callback file mover. If enabled, for Content Server "create": SAPLink will move from a Content Server dropzone (via a re-store) to a final location. This allows for a full feature set even though a document is stored via content server, such as: folder creation, dynamic location, external BPM and task creation, short: everything that a document stored via ECM can do. (metadata and viewing is handled above with En. SL CS CB). | |
En. DM SL Cr. Link | Enable SAPLink Create Link which automatically creates ArchiveLink links for CMS inbound to SAP processing requests. This is used with CMS Key or S.Link Cust Class/Method to determine the SAP key to link to (ie: must match exactly ArchiveLink object_id). | True or False |
En. SL WFConnect | Enable Workflow Connect to trigger SAP workflow code free (and fill workflow containers with metadata from CMS) for CMS inbound to SAP processing requests. | True or False |
En. SL Custom | Enable custom ABAP code for CMS inbound to SAP processing requests (code is contained in .Link Cust Class/Method). | True or False |
En. DM SL v1B | Enable passing of CSM inbound to SAP processing requests to docuflow V1. | True or False |
Allow SL NoCont. | For repositories that support contentless records, enable this to allow these to send inbound to docuflow SAP SAPLink requests | True or False |
En. DM Publish | Enable SAP to CMS outbound saving of message output data with metadata. | True or False |
En. DM Custom | Enable custom API usage for SAP to CMS outbound processing (code is container in your own Z namespace ABAP). | True or False |
En. Migration | Enable DocMigrator for this rule. | True or False |
Hide Att.List | Hide this SAP Business Object/DocType combination on the docuflow SFO/GOS attachment list menu for existing links. | True or False |
Hide Act.List | Hide the Activity List tab on the SFO/GOS attachment list menu to prevent showing activity for this SAP Business Object/DocType. | True or False |
CMS Profile | Determines which configured CMS Profile in docuflow SAP to utilize. Combination of CMS Profile and CMS Tag determine the API destination and thus load across an RFC destination. | VersaFile_Demo |
CMS Use Tag | Determine which configured CMS Profile in docuflow SAP to utilize. Combination of CMS Profile and CMS Tag determine the API destination and thus load across an RFC destination. | VersaFile_Demo |
Cont.Rep.ID | Determines which configured repository in docuflow SAP to utilize for SAP to CMS processing. | ZF |
CMS Type | Determines which CMS Types to use for docuflow SAP to CMS outbound processing (typically Create).
FileNet: - document class - for create, defaults to the “Document” document class if unspecified.
Documentum: - object type - for create, defaults to the “dm_document” class if unspecified.
Box: - metadata template - for create, defaults to creating a document with no metadata template if not specified.
SharePoint On-Prem/SharePoint O365: - content type - for create, defaults to creating a document of content type Document if not specified. | accountsPayable |
CMS Location | Specifies where the content resides for docuflow SAP to CMS outbound processing (typically Create).
** CMS Location allows Environment Variable usage. In short these allow for different values based on your SAP system id (ex: DEV / QA1 / PRD). Please refer to the docuflow Installation and Base Configuration Guide under “Environment Variables” for detail on how to configure and utilze. **
FileNet: - if unspecified documents are left unfiled.
Documentum: - If unspecified documents are stored in root of the user’s cabinet.
Box: - Best practice: folder number/id for the exact folder location can be specified - If unspecified documents are stored in the configured root folder of the Enterprise Connector - relative folder names can be used with a / being the root. If a root folder is configured for the Box CMS in the Enterprise connector all relative folder locations will be relative to the root folder configured. - Relative folder names are not recommended for performance reasons.
SharePoint On-Prem/SharePoint O365: - optional sub-site URL (added on to repository URL) with mandatory document library specified last
| 5523993 |
Own Folder | Determines whether a file is stored in the CMS Location (not enabled), versus when enabled the Enterprise Connector will check if there is a folder with the name “SAP_<sapkey>”.
If there is one (as a subfolder to CMS Location), the file is stored there.
Otherwise it will create one automatically and store the file there. | True or False |
Link Folder | If Own Folder is enabled, whether to create an ArchiveLink link to the folder vs. the file.
Linking to a folder, when viewed from SAP, will show the folder view and all of it’s contents.
Linking to a file will bring up the Box preview of the file being viewed. | True or False |
CMS Key | For inbound from CMS to SAP processing requests for “En. DM SL Cr. Link” (ie: automatic link creation), if an SAP key does not need to be formatted or retrieve and is an exact match in your CMS system to the ArchiveLink key required (with formatting/padding, etc..), you can specify that property name here.
Otherwise, you must use a S.Link Cust Class/Method to determine the SAP key to link to | InvoiceSAPKey |
S.Link Cust Class | For inbound from CMS to SAP processing requests for “En. DM SL Cr. Link” (ie: automatic link creation), if an SAP key sneed to be formatted or retrieve or is NOT an exact match in your CMS system, you can complie the SAPKey here (either with the metatata or SAP lookup).
Otherwise, you must specify the key in the CMS Key field to determine the SAP key to link to.
Refer to the docuflow Developers Guide for more information on how to program these class/methods. | /DFLOW/CL_DOCMANAGER_HELPER |
S.Link Cust Method | See above “S.Link Cust Class” | SAPLINK_EXAMPLE |
En. MD Trans.Map | Applicable to both inbound and outbound processing patterns, this no-code optiongenerates metadata mapping from SAP to your CMS system
If enabled, a metadata map must exist under the Configure->Metadata mapping on the docuflow SAP System Dashboard. | True or False |
En. MD Trans.Cus. | Applicable to both inbound and outbound processing patterns, this CODE optiongenerates metadata mapping from SAP to your CMS system
If enabled, the below metadata class/method must be specified. | True or False |
Metadata Class | Refer to the docuflow Developers Guide for more information on how to program these class/methods. | /DFLOW/CL_DOCMANAGER_HELPER |
Metadata Method | See above “Metadata Class”. | METADATA_EXAMPLE |
Description | English description for cosmetic reasons on the overall System | “FI Invoice Processing” |

This example enables the SAP Object Type for parked FI invoices (BKPF) and the ArchiveLink doctype ‘ZWFINVSUP01’ to be configured for outbound business document storage from SAP to your CMS (En. DM Store New SFO) with the metadata complied in the class/method /DFLOW/CL_DOCMANAGER_HELPER->METADATA_EXAMPLE.
Inbound from your CMS to SAP processing is also enabled (En. DM SL Cr.Link) to automatically link content to SAP, with the SAPLink /DFLOW/CL_DOCMANAGER_HELPER->
SAPLINK_EXAMPLE being the class/method that helps compile and format the key for an FI Invoice (company code, document number, fiscal year – all concatenated with document number zero padded).
Also notice the CMS Location value of <AP_Location> leveraging the Environment Variables configuration.