Viewing and Attachment List Options
Viewing content is accomplished via two access points :
- From your SAP transaction / record
- Direct to your content repository (optional)
Viewing from SAP is achieved via the SAP or docuflow DocManager Attachment List (Object for Services) or Originals List (DMS).
Accessing content from these attachment lists perform the following authorization checks:
- Access to your SAP transaction / record with standard SAP authorizations
- Access to the ArchiveLink or DMS attachment with standard SAP authorizations
- Optional: Additional SAP BADI authorization checks
- Optional: Additional SAP docuflow BADI authorization checks
From there, docuflow provides 2 options to retrieve and display the content from your CMS system for URL based viewing.
The method leveraged to achieve this differs based on your CMS system:
- Box:
- Unauthenticated short lived one time use expiring embedded URLS via web browser
- docuflow Content Server via a non-dialogue system user (thin and thick client options)
- FileNet:
- ICC4AP Content Server via a non-dialogue system user (thin and thick client options)
- M365.
- Unauthenticated short lived shared URLS via web browser
- docuflow Content Server via a non-dialogue system user (thin and thick client options)
Whilst still leveraging SAP standard ArchiveLink and DMS links, docuflow can compile a viewing URL directing the user to log into the CMS system view their web browser.
This option leverages any security capabilities and options based on your CMS system. These are in addition to the check outlined in "From SAP".
Refer to the section "CMS Security based on SAP Security / Data" below for possible additional security checks based on SAP values.
Please refer to your CMS Systems' security documentation for further options.
You can leverage the standard SAP Attachment List or (highly recomended) the docuflow DocManager Attachment List.
Refer to the section "Attachment List Options" under the DocManager section for advantages in using the docuflow DocManager Attachment List plus additional SFO/GOS configuration options with docuflow.
Allowing access to content directly via your CMS system relies soley on that systems security model and capabilities.
Refer to the section "CMS Security based on SAP Security / Data" below for possible additional security checks based on SAP values.
Please refer to your CMS Systems' security documentation for further options.
FileNet Security Overview is provided below:
docuflow does not replicate the SAP security model to your CMS system. If however your CMS system can leverage SAP data in the form of metadata or CVL's (choice lists), you can leverage docuflow SAP to inform your CMS system with those values (ie: metadata transfer).