Agnostic Guides
Developers Guide
Purpose of Guide
The goal of this guide is to provide detailed overview of all developer related components within docuflow. These components fall into two categories:
- docuflow SAP development:
- Class/Method Plug-In’s: Class-methods that may be leveraged in standard docuflow configuration
- docuflow BADI’s: Enhancement spots for additional customization of docuflow processing
- S(earch) C(reate) R(read) U(pdate) D(elete) API’s: Class-methods for each SCRUD functionality in which the standard docuflow processing leverages, which is also open for direct customer usage in custom scenarios. (P)ing and (L) API's: Class-methods for multiple levels of ping to the midleware and CMS, as well as the abilty to load CMS repository info into SAP.
- docuflow Web services usage:
- HTTPS Setup
- docuflow SCRUD web services
- docuflow BAPI web service
Lastly, as our customers leverage the docuflow logic under the hood more and more, we hear of common routines and methods that may be of use in your custom requirements. These are located under Useful / Common docuflow Methods.
Updated 03 Mar 2023
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