Invoice Processing Rules
Processing rules determine the baseline behaviour for an invoice based on its classification.
Albeit you can dynamically change the processing rule during the life cycle of an invoice via customizing (optional — refer to the Customizing section later in this document), the processing rule will set the default behaviour.
Based on the docuflow Classification configuration, below are the processing rule options. Unless specified otherwise, the options below are relevant to both NON-PO and PO Invoice Types.
*note that any changes to an invoice processing rule only takes affect for net new or reprocessed invoices.
- Enable Initial AP: Enable the first step of the Accounts Payable workflow. In only special cases should this be off. Normal settings is ON.
- Enable Auto Create NON-PO: If ON, docuflow will attempt to automatically park the invoice given metadata from the content management system for NON-PO invoices.
- Enable Auto Create PO: If ON, docuflow will attempt to automatically park the invoice given metadata from the content management system for PO invoices.
- Enable PO Wizard: If enabled, the AP Initial AP user will be presented with a popup asking whether the invoices is a NON-PO invoice vs. a PO invoice. If the invoices is a PO based invoice, and the metadata is captured and mapped correctly, the PO number will show up in the PO number box. If it is a NON-PO invoice, no value will be shown in the PO number box. This is basically a manual/visual confirmation whether the invoice is NON-PO vs. PO. If this is disabled, the system will 100% rely on the PO metadata value captured and mapped at the ingestion process.
- Enable Pre-Pop NON-PO/PO: If Auto Create is not enabled, or is enabled and fails, the Initial AP team must first create the invoice (or send for exception). This option allows you to pre-populate the SAP invoice entry screen with metadata from the content management system if available.
- Enable Auto Send IA:
- Auto Create successful: work-item will be sent to the next processing stage after Initial AP (ie: Initial AP will be skipped)
- Invoice "manually" created successfully (ie: Auto Create is not enabled or fails, or the Initial AP clerk parks the invoice successfully), the docuflow pop-up window can be skipped and the invoice can be sent directly for the next processing stage.
- Deadline (Days) Initial AP: In days, how long a work-item will stay at the Initial AP stage before escalation. Who receives this escalation is configured in the Agents: Core configuration.
- Review Type: this determines whether the Review step is enabled, and if enabled how Reviewers are determined.
- No Review: the Review step of the workflow will always be DISABLED.
- docuflow Core: Review step of the workflow is ENABLED and the agents are determined by the docuflow Core Agent table configuration.
- Manual Selection - Initial AP: Review step of the workflow is ENABLED and the agents are determined by manual selection from the InitialAP clerk.
- Skip Rev POs: If enabled, the review step will be skipped for PO based invoices.
- Allow Skip Review: If enabled, the Review step will be skipped if less than or equal to (LE) the amount specified in the field below Skip Rev Max. Amt.
- Skip Rev Max. Amt.: If Allow Skip Review above is enabled, this is the value that determines the max amount an invoice will be skipped.
- Deadline (Days) Review: In days, how long a work-item will stay at the Review stage before escalation. Who receives this escalation is configured in the Agents: Core configuration.
- Approval Type: this determines whether the Approval step(s) are enabled, and if enabled how Approvers are determined.
- No Approvals: Approval step of the workflow will always be DISABLED.
- docuflow ASL: Approval step of the workflow will be enabled ENABLED and the agents and levels are determined by the docuflow Agent: ASL table configuration.
- Manual Selection - Initial AP: Approval step of the workflow is ENABLED and the agents are determined by manual selection from the InitialAP clerk.
- Manual Selection - Review: Approval step of the workflow is ENABLED and the agents are determined by manual selection from the Reviewer
- Manual Selection - Either: Approval step of the workflow is ENABLED and the agents are determined by manual selection from BOTH the InitialAP clerk and the Reviewer.
- Enable Skip Approvals for PO Invoices: Skip all approval levels for PO based invoices.
- Deadline (Days) Approval Level 1 thru 5: In days, how long a work-item will stay at particular Approval stage before escalation. Who receives this escalation is configured in the Agents configuration (outlined later in this document).
- Enable AutoPost NON-PO/PO: docuflow can attempt to Automatically post the invoice at the Final AP stage. This is only attempted if "Enable Final AP" is enabled above. If Auto Post fails, a work-item is automatically sent to a Final AP agent.
- En. FA AP NON-PO: Enable auto post for NON-PO invoices
- En. FA AP PO: Enable auto post for PO invoices.
- En. FA NON-PO: Enable Final AP for NON-PO invoice's
- En. FA PO: Enable Final AP for PO invoices.
- Enable Auto Send FA:
- Auto Post successful: workflow will be set to complete (ie: Final AP will be skipped).
- Invoice "manually" posted successfully (ie: Auto Post is not enabled or fails, or the Final AP clerk posts the invoice successfully), the docuflow pop-up window can be skipped and the workflow will be set to complete automatically.
- Force Post: If Final AP is enabled, and in the case that a work-item is sent to an agent (ie: AutoPost is enabled and either fails or AutoKeep is enable / Skip Final AP is disabled) if the invoice is not posted, then the "Complete Workflow" on the docuflow pop-up window will be disabled.
- Deadline (Days) Final AP: In days, how long a work-item will stay at the Final AP stage before escalation. Who receives this escalation is configured in the Agents configuration (outlined later in this document).
- WF ID Sync: if enabled, the metadata property for the workflow ID will be sent from SAP to your CMS repository. The CMS property name is specified below.
- WFID MData Name: The CMS metadata property name for workflow ID.
The following BADI customizing options are available for Invoice Processing. For information on how to implement, please refer to the section "Customizing" later in this document.
- Custom Rule Determination: To manipulate the Processing Rule for an invoice.
- Custom Auto Create: To implement your own Auto Create logic.
- Custom Pre-Pop: To implement your own Pre-Pop logic.
- Custom Work-item Text: To implement your own Work-item text.
- Custom Auto Exceptions: To implement your Auto Exceptions.
- Custom Auto Post Logic: To implement your own Auto Post logic.
- Custom Approval ASL Check: To implement your own ASL check
- Custom Role Resolution / Agent Determination: To implement your own logic to determine work-item recipients
- Custom Notifications: To implement your own method of notifying agents.
- Custom Pre-Processor Logic: Powerful BADI to take control of all pre-processing logic
- Custom Post-Processor Logic: Powerful BADI to take control of all post-processing logic
- Custom POPUP PBO Logic: To implement your own changes to the docuflow pop-up windows for processing.
- Custom POPUP PAI Logic: To implement your own logic to the docuflow pop-up windows for processing.