Agnostic Guides
Developers Guide
docuflow BADI’s



The below BADI’s/enhancement spots are available within the DocManager Add-On: 


    • Allows custom manipulation of CRM Store New processing business object, sap_object, doctype, object_id, and filename details.


    • Allows custom determination of whether to enabled or disable the DocManager SFO menu option.
      • In the code, leverage the input parameter IS_LPORB to determine the SAP Object and ArchiveLink document type
      • Set the parameter CV_EP_STATUS with one of the following values:
        • 0 Active 1 Inactive 2 Invisible
      • Note that you do NOT have to set to 0 - Active, as this is the default


    • Allows custom processing of the Store New process prior to the Content API “CREATE” call with iv_caller 'B'.
      • One of the most common reasons to implement this BADI under iv_caller 'B' is to create a folder structure during the document creation process.
      • To do so, you two options:
        • 1. 1 parent with <n> flat folders
        • 2. All folders as nested folders: in this case, set the variable cv_nested_folders to "X".
      • Note: you can pass the folder name each time you create a document. docuflow will first check to see if that name exists under the configured location/folder ID in the DocManager rule. If it does not exist, it will create it. If it exists, no action is performed for a folder creation.
    • When you create a multi level folder structure, you will be able to indicate which folder to store the document in. By default, the document is stored in the top level sub-folder. To place the content (if you are storing content, which is optional) in a folder other than the top parent folder, indicate this with a ~ tild.
      • Example of CT_CUSTOM to create 4 folders, and place content in parent folder:
        • SAP_4500017723 SAP_SubFolder1 SubFolder2 SubFolder3
        • or
        • ~SAP_4500017723 SAP_SubFolder1 SubFolder2 SubFolder3
      • Example of CT_CUSTOM to create 4 folders, and place content in lowest sub-folder:
        • SAP_4500017723 SAP_SubFolder1 SubFolder2 ~SubFolder3
      • Below is an example to create 1 sub folder showing the ABAP debugger:
Document image

Document image

  • Allows custom processing of the Store New process after the Content API “CREATE” call and also the ArchiveLink create link with iv_caller 'A'.
    • This is called in both success and error occurrences which is indicated by the entries in the return table
    • In the case of success, IV_ARC_DOC_ID will be populated
    • Some customers implement this to interpret the return table CT_RETURN when creating folders. In some scenarios the folder ID's created are useful to know.
    • When you use the IT_CUSTOM folder to create folders, the return table will also pass back the folder ID's created. The parent folder is indicated by a ! exclamation point, all sub-folders are indicated by a ~ tild.
      • Example of return table when folders are created: !SAP_4500017723,147811962292 ~SAP_SubFolder1,938382828 ~SAP_SubFolder2,938382829 ~SAP_SubFolder3,938382830