DocManager Inbound Processing
In your CMS system, the property configured to be polled for as the indicator whether a document should be processed/call SAP (referred to as the docuflow SAPLink Trigger property or filter), when found, will trigger a call to the docuflow SAP gateway BAPI at a configured interval.
The DocManager Inbound Processing class/method allows you to either:
- Custom: Execute your own custom process entirely or in combination with any other DocManager configured option mentioned above
- Link Create: Optionally manipulate all exporting and changing method parameters for subsequent DocManager configured Create Link processing (called after Custom if configured). Primarily this is used to find/confirm/format/compile/specify the “SAPKey” for what SAP record to link to.
The below example is provided with the docuflow product.
Type | Parameter | Description | Sample Value |
Importing | IV_MODE
| This class/method is shared in the docuflow configuration for both “types” of processing (custom vs. SAP Key determination). Which processing is being executed by docuflow configuration is indicated by this value. | SAPKEY or CUSTOM
Importing | IV_DOCUMENTID | The CMS unique identifier (ie: UUID/GUID) | 485029877609 |
Exporting | EV_GOON_FLAG | CUSTOM processing only: setting the goon flag to ABAP_TRUE (ie: X) | ABAP_FALSE or empty vs. ABAP_TRUE (X) |
Exporting | ET_RETURN | Anything other than a line added with the value ‘E’ in the TYPE field (ie: any line with S or I or W as a TYPE) will result in the docuflow middleware considering the process a success and the inbound request will be set to complete (ie: the SAPLInk “trigger” property set to false and will NOT be reprocessed). If a line in the table with the value ‘E’ in the TYPE field is found, the entry in the CMS system will be reprocessed at the next interval. Regardless of the TYPE value, all entries added to this table will be logged and viewable in the docuflow API Gateway and thus can be leverage to log/report on the processing of your logic using any fields of the table (Message Text being the most common) | |
Exporting | EV_SAPKEY
| Used extensively in Link Create, this is the fully formatted SAPKey that will be used to create the ArchiveLink Link | FI Invoice: 300019000002222019 Vendor Master: 0000033985 |
Exporting | EV_GUID
| Used only in CRM: this is the GUID that will be used in place of EV_SAPKEY to generate the viewing URL to link | |
Changing | CT_METADATA
| This table contains the metadata from your CMS system (what is sent over to SAP is determined by the docuflow middleware configuration for Inbound Processing metadata). This table it not typically changed, but rather read to leverage the metadata from your CMS system to either execute a custom process or in the case of Link Create, determine the EV_SAPKEY. This might be to take different metadata fields and do a lookup to get a key, or maybe simply formatting the key to be padded so ArchiveLink will recognize it, or possible to verify the incoming key is correct (and if not, add an E type line to the return table). The values of this table can be viewed under the “SMD” (SAPLink Metadata) column in the docuflow API Gateway. | |
Changing | CT_FILES | Table containing the CMS inbound files related to the triggering of the SAPLink process. | |
Changing | CT_CUSTOM | For future use. | |
Changing | CS_ZDMC01 | Table containing the existing DocManager configuration. | |
Changing | CS_ZCMSC05 | Table containing the existing Repository ID configuration. | |
Changing | CS_ZCMSC01 | Table containing the existing CMS Profile configuration. | |
- Custom processing is executed first, follow by Link Create (SAPKey) processing ‘2nd’ (if no goon flag is received).
- Any exporting or changing parameter values manipulated by Custom processing will be passed on to Link Create (SAPKey) processing.