Agnostic Guides
Developers Guide





FileNet Notes 

Documentum Notes 

Box Notes 

O365/SharePoint Notes 


Required: Determines which configured CMS Profile in docuflow SAP to utilize. Combination of CMS Profile and CMS Tag determine the API destination and thus load across an RFC destination.


Required: Determine which configured CMS Profile in docuflow SAP to utilize. Combination of CMS Profile and CMS Tag determine the API destination and thus load across an RFC destination. 


Required: Determines which configured repository in docuflow SAP to utilize 

Object Store 


Default is the only Store/Repository supported since Box currently doesn’t support the notion of different repositories.

Site, site collection 


Optional: what CMS type to update. 






Optional: use mapping of IV_TYPE to CMS type in Enterprise Connector if CMS. Used if ArchiveLink doctype name to CMS type mapping is required. 


Optional: allows you to checkout a document. 

Only available in newer versions. 

Only available in newer versions. 

Not supported 


Optional: allows you to cancel the checkout of a document. This will return an error if the document is already checked out. 


Optional: (Mandatory for O365/SharePoint only and not used in any other CMS system) Specifies where to document to update resides. 

Not utilized. 

Not utilized. 

Not utilized. 

This is required and is the Document Library. For documents originally created by docuflow, this is stored at the time of create in a docuflow table in the scenario that the config changes and thus can be used for subsequent updates. 


Optional: If suppored by your CMS, setting this flag to true will apply metadata at the folder level. The ID's located in the IT_IDS table will be folder IDs.

Applied metadata at the top level folder only

Applied metadata at all levels of folders


Table of file ID's (or folders ID's if supported by your CMS)


Mandatory: metadata to set during updates. Some metadata cannot be set during update and is only read only (some system properties). Updating some system properties in certain repositories may lead to unkown results. The docuflow username and timestamp properties are automatically set as metadata during update if they are configured on the particular CMS tab in the docuflow Enterprise Connector. When the same keys are used multi valued properties are set with all of the specified values. The ZMULTI flag is ignored during an update since the same key signifies a multi valued property by default.

To assist with the date format for FileNet, you may choose to utilize the DocuFlow helper method ‘/dflow/cl_utilities_helper=>format_date’ to format a system date field to the format desired 

To assist with the date format for Documentum, you may choose to utilize the DocuFlow helper method ‘/dflow/cl_utilities_helper=>format_date’ to format a system date field to the format desired 

Currently doesn’t support multi valued metadata. Where a date field is part of the metadata being sent, the format must be MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a z, where a z = the AM/PM and TIMEZONE example: 12/31/9999 12:00:00 PM MST T o assist with the date format for Box, you may choose to utilize the DocuFlow helper method ‘/dflow/cl_utilities_helper=> format_date_plus_sys_timezone’ to format a system date field to the format desired and also appending the system timezone 

Supports multi valued metadata for Lookup, Choices and multi line of text.


Table that indicates a success of an error. The TYPE field will contain an ‘S’ or ‘E’ respectively and the MESSAGE field will contain information in the case of an error. 


Future use 

Updated 29 Mar 2023
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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