Agnostic Guides
Solution Guide

Box - Additional Best Practices


Box Rate Limits

Before you go and create a hundred RFC destinations with 10 RFC connections each to migrate a million documents over lunch, keep in mind there are documented Box Rate Limits at two levels:

  1. Overall Enterprise Account - 100,000 API calls per month are allowed
    1. docuflow uses 3 API calls per create, but if need be, this can be decreased to 2 by not transferring metadata (which you may or may not need, or you can always transfer at a later date)
    2. This limit is shared at the Enterprise level, so consider day-to-day processing as well during migration window
  2. App Users - Each app user is allowed 1,000 API calls per minute
    1. To work within App User limits, docuflow allows multiple App Uses to be configured per middleware connector.  Yay docuflow. 

Example: If a document overall takes 3 seconds to read from the source and create in Box with metadata, and you have 100,000 documents to migrate, and you can carve out chunks to process 3 background jobs in SAP over dedicated RFC connections:

  • You can move 3 documents every 3 seconds, thus your virtual migration time is 1 second per document.
  • At 100,000 documents, you can move them in 100,000 seconds = *27.8 hours.

*keep in mind max API calls as the above example would use 100k * 3 API calls per = 300k API calls total

Box App Users

  • Never share app users across docuflow middleware instances
  • Consider naming convention of docuflow_mig_<app user number> so you know who/the migration process added the content to box