Agents: Approvers (ASL)
When you first enter the configuration screen for approvers, a report is displayed showing your current matrix. To change configuration, choose the "Configure" tool-button:

Approval Agents are based on the docuflow Classification configuration hierarchy + three additional (optional) elements:
- company code
- vendor number
- cost center
This means you can use any combination of those before docuflow will move up the classification hierarchy:
docuflow will use the following order to find a relevant approver, and will continue up the hierarchy combining the agents for a particular approver level:
- Classification hierarchy match + company code + vendor + cost center
- Classification hierarchy match + company code + vendor (cost center = space)
- Classification hierarchy match + vendor (company code/cost center = space)
- Classification hierarchy match + company code + cost center (vendor = space)
- Classification hierarchy match + cost center (company code/cost center = space)
....and then will continue up the classification hierarchy. A classification hierarchy match is any combination of the 6 classification elements, with a space allowed to create your combinations.
- Document Type + Category + Location + Business Unit + Department + Flag + Company Code
- Document Type + Category + Location + Business Unit + Department + Flag
- Document Type + Category + Location + Business Unit + Department (Flag = space)
- Document Type + Category + Location + Business Unit
- Document Type + Category + Location
- Document Type + Category
- Document Type
- Global rule (everything blank)
In each of the above scenarios, you must leave the field blank for it to traverse up the hierarchy, and leaving blanks will allow you to move up the hierarchy.
Each rule found will be appended. At the end of agent determination, duplicate agents are automatically removed to a single of that agent.
If you do not have an invoice with 1 or more classification elements they are considered an empty space.
Based on those elements, up to 5 levels can be configured.
You may also choose to skip approval for certain invoices that match the elements above, and optionally with a max dollar amount.
Below is an example of skipping approvals up to and equal to $999.99. From there:
Level 1 approval is amount greater than or equal to $1,000.00 but less than or equal to $1,999.99, going up by thousand dollar increments, with Level 5 approval being for any invoice greater than or equal to $5,000.00

If you have the need for more than 1 possible agent for a level, duplicate the entry and use the "Line Number" field to make the new entry unique. You can have unlimited possible agents for an invoice.
To have more than 1 approval, you can change your dollar amounts to require multiple levels:
In this example, an invoice would be relevant always to 2 levels of approval because Level 5 is set to all amounts above the skip level:

The following BADI customizing options are available for Agent determination. For information on how to implement, please refer to the section "Customizing" later in this document.
- Custom Role Resolution / Agent Determination: To implement your own exception processing logic in place/in addition to a docuflow AP Workflow Exception work-item.
- Custom Notifications: To implement your own method of notifying agents.