Agnostic Guides
Change Log

3.1 (beta)

SCRUDWL exposed as callable RFC function module: Each method for the class /DFLOW/CL_CMS_API has its own function module wrapper with RFC enabled. The functions are located under the function group /DFLOW/ZDFCMSAPI_SCRUD_WS. This is useful if you want to call the class-methods externallly.
docuflow System Dashboard: Added the docuflow SAP version number to the ALV header.
SAPLink Example: The SAPLink example provided under /DFLOW/CL_DOCMANAGER_HELPER=>SAPLINK_EXAMPLE did not have the correct interface.
Updates to Micro-Process: 1. Split out exceptions codes in config for both Send errors and Return "rejection" (Return is only for approval tasks) 2. Provided plug-in /DFLOW/CL_WFCONNECT=>SET_TASK_RECIP_VEND_FROM_EKKO for vendor email address retrieval from ekko (uses ADR6) 3. Moved WORKFLOW api so summary level in docuflow API Gateweay 4. Added GOON_FLAG option to plug-in logic 5. Broke out logging between storage and workflow separately
docMigrator for ArchiveLink: fixed ALV header bug - when user hits refresh button the "counts" for Error/Success/Warning/Info dissapeared into the abyss
docMigrator for DMS 1. Comprehensive information on both source and target content now shown on dashboard 2. Retry on delete to avoid locking issues 3. Added Post-Processing: Force Metadata Update 3. Added Post-Processing: Validate Target Content 4. Added Utilities: Rollback Target DIR 5. Add support for docuflow ECM as source
docManager for DMS: this will be updated as improvements continue
Bug fix for AP Workflow PRE-POP NON-PO BADI: The auto-create logic for NON-PO uses the PRE-POP logic instead of net new/duplicate logic. PO is stil seperate as auto-create uses BAPI to create, and BDC for PRE-POP.
docManager Store and Link Authorizations: Changed authorization checks for adding a document. ***** Users must now have "01" activity on S_WFAR_OBJ (previously was "03") *****
docManager Store and Link Authorizations: Implemented new authorization checks showing document type drop down values. ***** Users musthave "01" activity on S_WFAR_OBJ in order for the document type to appear in the choice list (previously there was no check) *****
Accounts Payable TrackLink: fixed bug to allow viewing SharePoint image prior to invoice creation (ie: uses config location instead of a READ)

Box Sign Integration 1. Single Step signature 2. Integration with Micro-Process workflow and TrackLink

Nested folder creation with file placement support

Updated 03 Mar 2023
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