FileNet Configuration
- Open the Profile Wizard. If you do not have the desktop shortcut or Program menu path, locate the file Profile Wizard.exe under the root docuflow installation folder.
- Add a FileNet System configuration tab by selecting “FileNet…” from the “System” menu. Use a descriptive name to define the P8 environment you are creating.
- Complete the rest of the FileNet configuration information on the newly created tab. Make sure to enable FileNet processing by checking the box at the top of the Profile Wizard FileNet tab.
- For the docuflow app to process content to and from SAP, any app users created must be granted access (ie: added as a collaborator) to the folder(s) in which it will performs actions. Albeit not required at this time for base configuration and connectivity, refer to the section Authorize docuflow App User IDs to Folders for instructions on how to perform this.
Setting | Description | Sample Value(s) |
Username/password | Username/password | [email protected]/Welcome1 |
Host | P8 host | |
Domain | P8 domain | ABC_P8DOM |
Port | P8 Port | 2809 |
| The date/time format used for processing with SAP. Generally the default format shouldn’t need to be changed but in some custom processing situations it may be necessary to adjust the date/time format if processing requires in a particular way. | MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a z |
SAP User Prop.:
| The username property or attribute to use for logging who created the document. This property is used by api processing and should not be changed. When adding a document from the Profile wizard it will populate this field with “docuflow Profile Wizard” Note: This property is required for all P8 metadata templates to be utilized. | docuflowUsername
Time Prop.:
| The timestamp property or attribute which is set when the document is added into the content management system. This property is used by api processing and should not be changed. Note: This property is required for all P8 metadata templates to be utilized. | docuflowTimestamp
Add Row | Add a row to the configured users by pressing this button. | |
Copy Row | Copy the selected row by pressing this button. | |
Remove Row | Remove the selected row by pressing this button. | |
Move Up
| Move the configured row up higher in the list. The users configured are utilized in round robin fashion. | |
Move Down | Move the configured row lower in the list. The users configured are utilized in round robin fashion. | |
Test FileNet Connection | Pressing this button tests if the top most id can successfully communicate with P8. To try out other id’s (if multiple ids are configured) you can use the “Move Up” and “Move Down” buttons to rearrange the id you wish to test by placing it first. | |
5. Save the configuration profile by using the Profile menu.
6. Once the information entered is correct verify the settings by pressing the “Test FileNet Connection Properties” button. If the connection is successful you will see the following popup window:

7. If an error message occurs, or if there is no response at all, please refer to the Enterprise Connector log file.
Once you have connection to your SAP system and FileNet, associate the two together via an SAP RFC Destination. This in turn also enables all SAP to P8 outbound processing at the connector level. For P8 Inbound to SAP processing (configured using the Inbound to SAP tab), refer to the docuflow Solution Guide, as this is considered functional/pattern/use case configuring and not base connectivity.
- Select the SAP RFC Destination tab and click “Add Row” at the bottom of the screen.
- Click “On” Enable and choose from the SAP and CMS value created above. If needed, click “Update System Choices” to refresh the drop down lists.
- The SAP RFC name will be provided by either your SAP Basis team or the docuflow configuration that created the docuflow SAP API Destination configuration. This value must match the RFC created and specified in SAP.
- Provide a server count (recommended value is 10) and also what prefer docuflow to do in the case of duplicate filenames in P8 (error vs. replace).
- The working directory should be a sub folder of the docuflow connector installation directly.
Make sure to save your configuration and ensure the profile is active by selecting Profile->Activate. If this option is greyed out this indicates it is already active.
Start (or restart) the VersaFile windows service (“VersaFile docuflow Enterprise Connector”) and monitor the windows service. We also recommend checking the connector logs to see if any errors have occurred.
*The windows service must be restarted to reflect any SAVED changes to the active profile.
Below is an example of this configuration: