for ECC and S/4
Installation and Base Configur...

Installation Overview


The below outlines the necessary docuflow installation tasks: 

  1. Install docuflow Enterprise Connector
  2. Install docuflow SAP transports (docuflow ECM only)
  3. Configure SAP RFC destinations and Gateway (docuflow ECM only) and Content Navigator viewing from SAP (URL based viewing only)
  4. Grant necessary SAP docuflow authorizations (docuflow ECM only)
  5. Configure docuflow Enterprise Connector for SAP and P8 connectivity
    1. Requires info from SAP Basis (SAP system information, RFC, and SAPJco library) and SAP Security (user name/password)
  6. Test SAP->Connector connectivity
  7. Test Connector->P8 connectivity
  8. Implement integration pattern (i.e.: document storage, inbound processing, metadata transfer, etc.…). Note – this functional configuration is NOT included in this guide.
    1. Configure docuflow SAP (docuflow ECM only)
      1. Requires necessary SAP ArchiveLink authorizations
    2. Configure P8 doc classes and meta-data properties
    3. Configure SAP ArchiveLink
    4. Customize or extend docuflow SCRUD functionality (optional - docuflow ECM only)