for ECC and S/4
Installation and Base Configur...

Grant Necessary SAP docuflow authorizations


docuflow Transactions

In order to configure and monitor docuflow, the below two transactions should be granted to the configurator and administrator of docuflow: 


Note: Depending on what functional integration patterns you are implementation, there may be additional transaction codes to grant access to a broader group of users

  1. Workflow Configuration: /DFLOW/WFCONFIG
  2. Workflow AP Rollover: /DFLOW/APROLLOVER
  3. Workflow AP Statistics: /DFLOW/APSTAT
  4. Workflow ASL: /DFLOW/APASL
  5. Workflow AP TrackLink: /DFLOW/APTRACKLINK
  6. Workflow DMS TrackLink: /DFLOW/DMSTRACKLINK
  7. Workflow General TrackLink: /DFLOW/TRACKLINK
  8. Delete Link Manager: /DFLOW/LINKM
  9. API Mass Load: /DFLOW/MLOAD
  10. Migration Utility: /DFLOW/MIGRATOR
  11. AuditLink Create: /DFLOW/AUDITLINK
  12. AuditLink Dashboard: /DFLOW/AUDITLINKDASH
  13. ChoiceList Dashboard: /DFLOW/CHOICEDASH
  14. Data Export: /DFLOW/DOCUFLOWAWX

docuflow Configuration Tables

If your security roles also check table maintenance authorizations, the authorization object Z/D1 must bre granted via S_TABU_DIS for those who will configure docuflow.

*If Z/D1 does not exist in your system, the transport that contains Z/D1 is a customing transport and must be imported seperately. Please contact your docuflow implementation specialist to obtain this transport.