for ECC and S/4
Installation and Base Configur...

Base SAP docuflow Configuration – docuflow ECM Only


docuflow ECM requires base configuration regardless of what integration patterns, use cases, or functionality you would like to utilized. The extended configuration for that usage is not covered in this guide. 

The base docuflow ECM configuration consists of the following components: 

  1. One or more CMS Profiles
  2. One or more CMS Use Tags
  3. One or more API Destinations
  4. Environment variables (optional)
  5. One or more Repository ID’s (to match those created in OAC0 in the step Base SAP ArchiveLink Configuration: docuflow ECM)

All above configuration is navigated via the docuflow Content API System Dashboard (transaction /dflow/docuflowsys) utilizing the top left menu path “Configure”. 

Configuration must be done in sequence, and requires the Repository ID(s) to be created as a pre-requisite. 

All configuration must be saved in a transport for migration to QUAL and Production (among other) environments. 

  1. CMS Profiles:



Sample Value(s) 

CMS Profile 

CMS Profiles equate to the repository in FileNet. 


Repository Type 

This value must be set to P8 



An English description given to the describe the CMS Profile

Main FileNet System 

2. CMS Use Tag: 



Sample Value(s)

CMS Use Tag.

CMS Use Tags, in combination with CMS Profiles, will together determine an API Destination (below) to be utilized. API Destinations in turn determine the SAP RFC to be leveraged, and thus load on that RFC and in turn a group of SAP JCo server threads. In short, this combination allows you to load balance processing across multiple RFC/SAP JCo connections. 

A very common approach to at a minimum to break out viewing from the rest of your processing. As let’s face it, end users hate when they can’t view their documents and if you are hammering an RFC with other processing, well, insert hourglass icon. 

Also, have one or more use tags for custom usage. This way if you mess up you don’t affect everyone else ;-) 










An English description given to the describe the CMS Tag 

Outbound document storage for FI 

3. API Destinations: 

API Designations are a unique combination of CMS Use Tags and CMS Profiles that determines the SAP RFC to be leveraged, and thus load on that RFC and in turn a group of SAP JCo server threads, allowing you to manually control the load balance processing across multiple RFC/SAP JCo connections. 

Note that for extreme load, you can also have multiple docuflow Enterprise Connectors configure for an SAP system, allowing you to spread API destinations (i.e.: RFC Destination) across multiple connector instances and possibly physical/virtual servers. 

** Important ** This RFC destination chosen must match the API Destination configured in docuflow Enterprise Connector in step Base docuflow Enterprise Connector Configuration – docuflow ECM Only



Sample Value(s)

CMS Profile

CMS Profile that will use this API/RFC Destination 


CMS Tag 

CMS Use Tag that will use this API/RFC Destination 

• Outbound document storage for FI or 

• Viewing


Used to temporary disable processing on this API Destination


CMS RFC Destination 

SAP RFC to be used to communicate with a specific instance of a docuflow Enterprise Connector. This RFC destination chosen must match the API Destination configured in docuflow Enterprise Connector in step Base docuflow Enterprise Connector Configuration – docuflow ECM Only.


4. Environment Variables: 

Environment variables are used for two reasons. The primary/most common reason is when a docuflow configuration element requires a value that might change depending on which SAP environment (i.e.: SAP System ID) you are in. An example of this would be a development server vs. a production server for saving AuditLink bundles. Viewing URL’s are often different for development vs. production as well. This is leveraged extensively for on-prem content repositories when there are more server and host names involved. 

The second reason and less common, is if the docuflow configuration field is too small in length to hold a crazy long value you may have. Yes, we have seen it. 

NOTE: when used in configuration, the environment variable must be specified within brackets, i.e.: <hostname>, or <reallylongsubsitestring> 



Sample Value(s)

SAP System ID

SAP system id that should use the value specified 




Variable Name 

Variable name that will be specified in any relevant docuflow ECM configuration. 

Content Navigator URL 

Variable Value 1 

The value to be substituted in the docuflow ECM configuration per SAP environment/system ID. 


5. Repository ID’s: 



Sample Value(s)


The content repository ID matching OAC0 



The ability to temporarily turn off all usage of the repository ID 


Use Direct API 

Future use 

Req. Location 

This is not relevant to FileNet and MUST be turned to OFF.


CMS Profile 

CMS profile that is relevant to this repository ID. 


CMS Rep/Store 

This value must be set to “Default” for P8. 


Viewer Medium 

The method of viewing you would like to utilized. For content server you can choose to use either method, for non-content server implementations URL/Web is the only method. 


CMS Portal URL 

Typically used for specifying viewing URL and future use. Not needed for SharePoint as the enterprise connector compiles the viewing URL at request time. 


En. Embedded URL 

This is not relevant to FileNet and MUST be turned to OFF. 


CMS Use Tag V. 

The use tag to be utilized for viewing requests as API calls are required to compile information in order to view content. This is typically a separate Use Tag so that either from the start or in the future you can split viewing off to its own API/RFC destination. 


Repository ID’s are the final element to the base configuration and tie in the top-level CMS profile with the repository store along with which viewing mechanism and elements to use and a few other options. 

At this point if you are viewing the System Dashboard (** make sure to hit refresh to show your new changes! **) you will see your entry(ies). Below is an example showing the values used in the above documentation: 

Document image

The API Status column will be red until the Enterprise Connector is configured for that API/RFC Destination. Check with your middleware installation and once completed and the windows service is turn on, see section Establishing SAP <-> docuflow Enterprise Connector Connectivity Configuration below.