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SSL Certificates Modifications
docuflow requires SSL certificates to secure communications amongst applications within the platform. docuflow does provide the ability to create its own self-signed certificates. Certificates are generated through the Certificate Manager application.
The following are execution guidelines for managing the certificates for docuflow .
After completing file modifications, such as those noted below, the following steps are required to regenerate and configure the new certificates for use with the docuflow platform.
- Stop all docuflow applications
- Rename (or delete) the <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\x509 directory e.g. x509.old
- Start the Certificate Manager application
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\start-cert-mgr.ps1
- Upon successful completion, exit/stop the Certificate Manager application
- Start docuflow
- Close and open a new browser instance
- Note: it not required, but recommended, to remove the previously configured certificates:
- Personal > VersaFile Configuration Manager Client
- Trusted Root Certification Authorities > VersaFile TRex Root CA
- The expiry length for certificates is located within the <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\trex-certmgr-application.json file
- within the defaults.validity object
- default value 3650 (units in days; 10 years)
- To modify the expiry length of all certificates, edit the trex-certmgr-application.json file
- Modify the defaults.validity value e.g. for 1 year expiry length "validity": 365
- Save the file edit
- Each application with the docuflow platform is created with its own trustore and keystore, to permit or restrict communication amongst applications.
- Passwords exist for each application's truststore and keystore. These passwords exist in:
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\trex-certmgr-application.json
- One of the following:
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\application-cfgmgr.yaml
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\application-dao.yaml
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\application-ngin.yaml
- <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\application-cnn.yaml
- each connector has its own respective yaml config file; however, the application-cnn.yaml is inherited in each case as well
- A password configuration also exists for the client certificate, which exists in <docuflow INSTALL LOCATION>\config\trex-certmgr-application.json. Specifically:
- exports.privatekeys.storepass object
- To modify a password, edit the trex-certmgr-application.json file and edit the respetive yaml file, as required.
- For example, to modify the password for both Configuration Manager certificates and the client certificate:
- trex-certmgr-application.json edits:
- Navigate to keystores.keystore : "trex.cfgmgr.keystore.p12"
- Edit the storepass object, e.g. { "keystore": "trex.cfgmgr.keystore.p12", "storepass": "newPassword1", "aliases": ["trex.cfgmgr.server"] },
- Navigate to truststores.truststore : "trex.cfgmgr.truststore.p12" Edit the storepass object, e.g. { "keystore": "trex.cfgmgr.truststore.p12", "storepass": "newPassword2", "aliases": [ "trex.cfgmgr.client", ... "trex.cnn-trex-websvc.server" ] },
- Navigate to exports.privatekeys Edit the storepass object, e.g. "privatekeys": [{ "alias": "trex.cfgmgr.client", "file": "exports/trex.cfgmgr.client.p12", "storepass": "newPassword3" }]
- application-cfgmgr.yaml edits
- Navigate to and edit the server.ssl object
- Edit the key-store-password and trust-store-password values, e.g. server: port: 8443 ssl: key-store: ./x509/trex.cfgmgr.keystore.p12 key-store-password: newPassword1 key-alias: trex.cfgmgr.server trust-store: ./x509/trex.cfgmgr.truststore.p12 trust-store-password: newPassword2
- Password creation guidlines:
- It is recommended not to use, but if using the \ or " characters, these must be escaped with the \ character within the json and yaml files, e.g.
- not escaped: this"is\aPwd
- escaped: this\"is\\aPwd
- Although not used by default, it is recommended to surround the passwords in the yaml file with double quotes. e.g. server: port: 8443 ssl: key-store: ./x509/trex.cfgmgr.keystore.p12 key-store-password: "newPassword1" key-alias: trex.cfgmgr.server trust-store: ./x509/trex.cfgmgr.truststore.p12 trust-store-password: "newPassword2"
- By default, Configuration Manager is configured as accessible locally through a browser through http://localhost:8443
- An IP or DNS configuration can be added and included in the certificate creation.
- Edit the trex-certmgr-application.json file
- Navigate to the master.certificates object
- Edit the "alias": "trex.cfgmgr.server" object
- For a new DNS entry, add in a new entry in the "dns" array. For example, to add a DNS config with a name of with an IP of { "alias": "trex.cfgmgr.server", "dn": { "commonName": "VersaFile Configuration Manager Application" }, "san": { "dns": ["localhost", ""], "ip": ["", ""] } }, Note: an IP can be added on its own, without a DNS entry